Yes! We do cakes. But not as you know them. Our cakes range from single tiered to as many tiers as required to fit all your favourite cheeses. Cheese upon cheese stacked and layered to create a cake that tastes and looks amazing. Decorated with fresh berries in summer, figs and honey comb in autumn and in winter, nuts, fresh fruits and winter greens.
we offer a standard brie cake as detailed below. These can also be customised as are our tiered cakes which can be tailored to budget timeframe and, of course, to include your favourite cheese.
For larger cakes we prefer four weeks notice minimum as some cheeses, such as heart shaped bries, have to be made.
Brie cakes
The cheese lovers celebration cake. Available in many different sizes, Brie cakes start from $75 for a 400gm, 12-14cm diameter brie layered with deli meats, seasonal fruits, nuts, and decorated with honey comb and macarons. Perfect for almost every occasion with customisable toppings available.